Mat Zemlya is the Earth Mother in Slavic mythology. She was also known as Mati Syra Zemlya meaning Mother Damp Earth or Mother Moist Earth. She was one of the most important deities in the Slavic world. Slavs made oaths by touching the Earth, and sins were confessed into a hole in the Earth before death. She was worshipped in her natural form and was not given a human personage or likeness.
Run, walk or roll the Mat Zemlya 10k to plant 8 trees.
Entries will need to be submitted by 9th January 2024 to be counted within the race. Your seeded medal, if you’ve ordered one, will be sent within 5 working days of the closing date by 2nd class post.
Select whether you’re running, walking, cycling or rolling to compare your finish times like-for-like. To add a seeded medal (if available in your country) for completing the race, select ‘Add medal’ below (+£3.75 inc. postage).